FS's privacy policy

Students' Association. ID 540169-6249, Sæmundargatu 4, 101 Reykjavík (also referred to as "FS") is committed to ensuring the reliability, confidentiality and security of personal information that is processed within the company.

This privacy policy covers the personal information of individuals who do business with FS, or are in charge of legal entities in business with FS and other partners as well as others who interact with the company, e.g. due to visits to FS websites, in connection with suggestions or grant requests ( hereinafter collectively referred to as "of customers" or "your").

This privacy policy is intended to inform you about what personal information the company collects, how the company uses such personal information and who gets access to the information.

If you are in doubt as to how this policy applies to you, please contact the personal protection officer, cf. art. 9. for more information. Further contact information is provided at the end of the policy.

  1. Purpose and legal obligation

The Student Association strives to comply with all aspects of personal protection legislation, and this policy is based on Act no. 90/2018 on personal protection and processing of personal data ("privacy laws"), as amended.

  1. What is personal information?

Personal information in the sense of this policy is any information about an identified or identifiable individual, i.e. information that can be traced directly or indirectly to a specific person. Data that is not personally identifiable is not considered personal data.

  1. Personal information that the Student Association processes about customers

We collect and store a variety of personal information about our customers. Different personal information may be collected about you depending on whether you are doing business with the company yourself or whether you are acting on behalf of a legal entity in business with the company, for example a supplier.

Applications for rental housing:  When you apply for a rental property run by FS, you are asked for your name, social security number, email address, phone number, school, study status, department within UI, information about when the study started and when it ends. Information about spouse and children, if applicable, is also requested. This information is used when processing the application. This processing is based on your electronic consent when the application is submitted. You can deactivate the application at any time. 

Applications for placement in FS kindergartens: When you apply for placement at one of FS's three preschools, you move to the processing area of a third party, Karellen. Information on the child's name, social security number, address and postal address is requested. The same kind of information is also requested about the child's parents, along with the parent's email address, place of work and work phone number. This processing is necessary so that the preschools can carry out their statutory role in the care and education of the children who are placed in FS preschools.

Partners, etc.: If you act on behalf of a partner of the Student Association, such as a supplier, contractor or business person who is a legal entity, FS may work with your contact information, such as name, phone number and email address. FS can also work with communication history and, as the case may be, account information. This processing is necessary for FS to be able to fulfill its obligations based on the contract with the relevant partner. The company may also be obliged to work with information based on legal obligations, such as the Accounting Act cf. 20 articles Act 145/1994.

Complaints and suggestions: If you send us a suggestion or complaint, FS will generally process your contact information, such as name and email address, and the content of the complaint or suggestion you have chosen to make.

FS target mail may distribute newsletters as well as invitations to events and courses organized by the company to contacts on the company's email address list. The processing of e-mail addresses for that purpose is based on the company's legitimate interests in marketing and ensuring exemplary service to the company's customers. If you do not wish to be on FS's email list, you can always unsubscribe. The company also regularly reminds contacts on the company's email list of their right to unsubscribe from the email list

Scholarship applications: In connection with grant applications, FS works with contact information, such as name, social security number, email address and phone number, as well as other information sent to the company in such an application. This processing is carried out on the basis of your request to enter into a grant agreement with the company.

In addition to the above, FS may also collect information and process or store information that customers or customer representatives/contacts provide to the company either on its own initiative, either for applications, or so that FS can fulfill formal and informal agreements with customers and perform other duties resulting from customer service. The processing is also carried out on the basis of FS's legitimate interests in ensuring that customers receive good service. Information may also be processed on the basis of legal obligations and regardless of the service that the company has undertaken to provide to customers, cf. for example, due to the provisions of the Accounting Act, etc.

As a general rule, the Student Association collects personal information directly from the customer or the customer's representative. However, information may also come from third parties. If personal information is obtained from a third party, FS will endeavor to inform its customers about this.

Information about customers and customer representatives/contacts is kept for 4 years from the end of the transaction or from the end of the business relationship if there has been an ongoing business relationship. In addition, minimum information about the lessee may be stored longer in accordance with the terms of the lease agreement. In the case of information that falls under the accounting law, it is preserved for 7 years from the end of the relevant fiscal year. It may be necessary to keep certain information longer, for example if there is a possibility that FS will need to establish, maintain or defend legal claims. In those cases, the retention period will be based on the rules on the limitation period for claims. However, the information may be deleted earlier, as appropriate, in accordance with the deletion policy or operational efficiency.

  1. Disclosure to third parties

The Student Association may share your personal information with third parties, i.e. to debt collectors or parties that provide IT services or other types of advice on behalf of the company.

Your personal information may also be provided to third parties to the extent permitted or required based on relevant laws or regulations, such as to the Norwegian Tax Administration or other supervisory bodies. The same may apply if delivery is required on the basis of court rulings or mediation is necessary so that the company can protect its interests in disputes or court cases.

The Student Association will not, however, share personal information outside the European Economic Area unless this is permitted on the basis of relevant personal data protection legislation, such as on the basis of standard contract terms, your consent, or an advertisement by the Personal Protection Agency about countries that provide adequate protection for personal data.

  1. How is the security of personal information guaranteed?

The Student Association strives to take appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data with particular regard to their nature. These measures are intended to protect personal information against accidental loss or alteration and against unauthorized access, copying, use or disclosure.

  1. Changes and corrections of personal information

It is important that the personal information that FS works with is both correct and relevant. It is therefore important that FS is notified of any changes that may occur to your personal information.

You have the right to have inaccurate personal data about you corrected. Taking into account the purpose of processing personal information, you also have the right to have incomplete personal information about you completed, including by submitting additional information.

Please direct all updates to the personal protection officer, cf. art. 9.

  1. Your rights in relation to the personal data processed by the Company

You have the right to be confirmed whether or not we process personal information about you, and if so, you can request access to the information and how the processing is carried out. You may also have the right to receive a copy of the information. Under certain circumstances, you can ask the company that we send information that you yourself have provided to us or that you have provided directly to a third party.

In certain circumstances, you can request that personal data about you be deleted without delay, for example when the retention of the information is no longer necessary based on the purpose of the processing or because you have withdrawn your consent to the processing of the personal data and there is no other authority fundamental to it. If the processing is based on consent, you may withdraw your consent at any time.

If you do not want your information to be deleted, for example because you need it to defend against a claim, but still want it not to be further processed by the company, you can request that its processing be limited.

If the processing of your personal data is based on FS's legitimate interests, you also have the right to object to that processing.

However, your aforementioned rights are not without priority. Thus, the law may oblige FS to refuse a request for deletion or access to data. The company can then reject your request due to the company's rights, eg on the basis of intellectual property rights, or the rights of other parties, eg to privacy, if the company considers those rights to be more important.

If circumstances arise where the Company is unable to comply with your request, the Company will endeavor to explain why the request has been refused, subject to limitations based on legal obligations.

  1. Inquiries and complaints to Personal Protection

If you want to use the rights described in Article 7. in this policy, or if you have any questions regarding this privacy policy or how the company handles your personal information, please contact fs@fs.is.

If you are not satisfied with the company's processing of personal information, you can send a message to Personal Protection (www.personuvernd.is).

  1. Contact information

We have appointed Ingunni Sveinsdóttir, FS's human resources manager, to supervise the follow-up of this privacy policy. Below you can find his contact information:

Contact information about the company:
Students' Association
Sæmundargatu 4
101 Reykjavik. Phone: 5700700

  1. Revision

The Student Association may from time to time change this privacy policy in accordance with changes in relevant laws or regulations or due to changes in the way the association processes personal information.

Any changes that may be made to the policy will take effect after the updated version has been published on the company's website.

This privacy policy was implemented on December 1, 2019